Everything you need to know about Bichon Frise's
by David Wilson
Are you maybe thinking of buying a Bichon, not sure how to go about it, what questions to ask, how to look after and train your little friend?
Maybe you already own one or more Bichons and want to make sure you care for your Bichon Frise properly? Bichons do require special care and once you learn and understand their needs its not that hard to care for a Bichon. They are worth every bit of effort of course as they will reward you a hundred fold in enjoyment and unwavering companionship.
Don't make the mistakes I did though and presume a Bichon Frise is cared for the same way as any other dog. They aren't and that mistake could cost you dearly in time, money and heartache.
Maybe you just simply want to have your Bichon trained a bit better. A dog that pees inside, chews everything in sight, "pulls" on a lead, and barks too much can take some of the fun out of owning a dog can't it? And you know a Bichon can easily be trained when you know how!
If some of this describes you and you would like a healthy, happy, well trained Bichon that brings years of enjoyment for you and the family that doesn't end up costing you a small fortune then please take my advice and continue reading I really get upset seeing Bichon owners ending up with big disappointments just because they didn't have the right information at hand. There is a better way.
This is what happened to me.
I remember the first Bichon Frise we bought , Asti. She was a pure bred 7 week old female . Her favorite sleeping place used to be in one of my Apple crates
I didn't know then what questions to ask the breeder or what to look for when we went shopping for her. To cut a long story short we spent over $2700 on Asti over the first 2 years for 2 knee repairs and countless visits to the vet for on going allergy problems.
If only I had known then what I know today about a Bichon's diet, exercise and general needs we wouldn't have had to fork out all that money. and go through that stress. I guess in a way its a bit like buying a car. If you don't know what to look for can easily end up with a car that is not really in good condition . Bichons generally are a very healthy, sturdy dog but like any breed have weaknesses to watch out for.
Our last few Bichons have been absolutely perfect. OK they have been to the vet once or twice for their shots but we've had no major expenses in the last 6 years . We did our homework this time and had spent much of our spare time over the years finding out everything we could about Bichons. It honestly has taken the worry and expense out of buying, training and caring for our Bichons.
Imagine This For A Minute.
Imagine being confident that you are asking the pet owner/breeder the right questions before you hand over your hard earned cash for you new "little friend". You don't want to end up with anything less than a healthy perfect little Bichon do you?
And when you get home with your puppy, won't it be so nice knowing exactly what you need for your puppy in those first few months rather than "guessing"? Your role in the first 4 months is absolutely vital in developing a happy healthy Bichon. Why risk making the mistakes so many other owners are making and paying for!
If you already own a Bichon Frise I'm sure you want to know the solutions to the common training, caring and breeding questions owners every day are asking? Questions that if unanswered may end up costing you literally thousands of dollars and can bring so much heartache.
Imagine knowing and mastering the simple training techniques that are unique" to Bichons? Having a dog that is a pleasure to have inside the house at all times, that walks well on a lead, that's gentle with children and is really your best friend without costing a heap of money to look after. You'll be the envy of other dog owners too!
For a more Comprehensive Guide then click here
Labels: breeder, california dog breeder
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